Batman Solo Movie Could Be A Prequel To Batman V. Superman

Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice features a Batman that has been active for almost two decades according to Ben Affleck, which explains the presence of grey hair we see in the film.
It also explains why we see that Robin costume in the glass case, a reminder of past failures. Geoff Johns weighed in on that a bit.
“We’ll be exploring that, no one says specifically the name of which Robin that is.”
Those comments could be construed as prequel talk for Affleck's upcoming solo Batman film, the one he is allegedly directing. While Affleck didn't address that point specifically, he did elaborate on what the project status is right now.
“It’s in development, and right now I’m really focused on finishing Live By Night,” says Affleck, an adaptation of the thriller by novel by Gone Baby Gone author Dennis Lehane. “That’s where my focus is, and I tend to be a one movie at a time guy. So, when I’m finished with this movie, I’ll then focus on my next movie and figure out what that will be.”
With the movie thus far not having a release date, or release year even, it's hard to nail down what the status of the DC film universe could look like when that film nears release. With Batman, a prequel would certainly make sense, as there is a great deal to explore there.
Personally I like that we are getting to see an experienced Batman in Dawn of Justice, and forgoing some of the usual Year One tales of recent memory.
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