A first-class airline ticket could cost you more than double an economy-class seat on the same plane. Many people assume first-class couldn't possibly be amazing enough to afford the wild cost comparison. After all, you're still stuck in your seat for however many endless hours, albeit a more comfortable one. 
Economy-class seating comes with plastic utensils and dishes, while those in first-class enjoy real dishes and a silver fork and spoon. Judging by these pictures of economy vs. first-class food, silverware isn't the only difference. It appears those that fly first-class are getting better meals, but not necessarily on every airline. 
We'll let you be the judge, are the differences between meals served to first-class and economy-class passengers worth paying nearly double (or more) to fly on the same plane? 

1. United Airlines 


2. British Airways 


3. Japan Airlines 


4. Air France 


5. Emirates Airlines 


6. Turkish Airways 


7. Aegean Airlines 

travelfotography/ inflightfeed 

8. Air Canada 

kalleboo/ chijs 

9. Singapore Airlines 

bryansjs/ wkharmon 

10. Thai Airways 

inflightfeed/ tuangthana