DESY Summer Student Program

The Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (German Electron Synchrotron), commonly abbreviated DESY, is a national research center in Germany which operates particle accelerators used to investigate the structure of matter. It conducts a broad spectrum of inter-disciplinary scientific research in three main areas: particle and high energy physics; photon science; and the development, construction and operation of particle accelerators.
Each summer through DESY Summer Student Program, it offers undergraduate students in physics or related natural science disciplines the possibility to participate in the research activities of the laboratory. Selected candidates join in the day-to-day work of research groups at the DESY laboratory in Hamburg or Zeuthen (Berlin) and participate in one of synthesis activities . While the work in the groups is the main activity, so there will be a series of lectures related to the research done at DESY. Visits to the accelerators and experiments are therefore included in this program.
Who can apply: Applicants should have completed, by the summer of 2016, three years of full-time studies at university level in physics or related natural science disciplines.
The main target audiences are students who in summer 2016 are:
  • about to obtain their Bachelor degree
  • having a Bachelor degree and finishing their first year of studies for Master degree or in between these two stages.
  • Applicants who already obtained a master-degree are not accepted.
Please take note that due to regulations for paid traineeships in Germany they can only accept students that are enrolled at their university for the whole period of the summer student program. A good knowledge of English is essential.
Location: Hamburg/Berlin, Germany
Duration: July 19 – September 8, 2016. The students are expected to stay for the full period.
Stipend: 1000 Euros per month + DESY Summer Students will be paid a subsistence allowance to cover living expenses for a single person. Travel expenses will also be subsidized.
For more details and to apply, visit DESY Summer Student Program’s page.
The online application will be open till January 31, 2016.
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