BOOM! ‘Mystery Sniper’ is Taking Out Top ISIS Commanders Like a Boss!

The war against ISIS appears to be entering the long, slogging phase of most Middle Eastern wars in recent memory. America and the coalition of nations fighting against the terrorist force are gradually whittling away at the strength of the group, and others are helping in the fight.
But one lone gunman is taking matters into his or her own hands and is trying to dramatically speed up the pace of the war on ISIS. And they're actually doing it.
A mystery sniper has been credited with 3 high-level assassinations of ISIS leaders in the Libyan city of Sirte. Sirte lies on the coast and has recently been overrun by Islamic State troops.
But one sniper, nicknamed the Daesh Hunter (Daesh is the popular Middle Eastern term for ISIS), has been quietly doing work against the top brass in the terrorist organization in Sirte.
According to reports, the assassin first killed a worker on the Sharia court outside of a hospital early in January. Then, days later, another ISIS leader was shot and killed outside of his home. The third leader to be killed, Abdullah Hamad Al-Ansari, was an ISIS commander who was shot dead as he departed a mosque.
No one knows if the gunman is a U.S.-trained special ops soldier or if it is simply a Libyan citizen who got tired of seeing ISIS murder and run amok in his or her home.
Reports from the local area state that "in the former Muammar Gaddaffi-stronghold, IS are now sweeping the city hunting for the marksman."
It can't be easy to hide a marksman of this caliber in such a small city, but we all should be hoping and praying that this "Daesh Hunter" continues his or her work.
ISIS deserves every bullet. Thank goodness someone is finally taking shots at them from close range.

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