Dubai’s dead prince Sheikh Rashid bin Mohammed Al Maktoum faced damaging drugs, sex and murder rumours while alive

Dubai’s dead prince Sheikh Rashid bin Mohammed Al Maktoum faced damaging drugs, sex and murder rumours while alive
Rashid bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.
(WAM photo via AP)
Dubai royal Sheikh Rashid bin Mohammed, whose death at the age of 33 due to a heart attack was announced over the weekend, was a horse racing enthusiast whose public profile was shaped largely by his sporting interests — and damaging claims about his personal life. 

As the eldest son of Dubai's ruler Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and the ruler's senior wife, Sheikha Hind bint Maktoum bin Juma Al Maktoum, he had been in line to be crown prince, but the role was allotted to his younger brother Sheikh Hamden in 2008. 

In contrast to his brother, Sheikh Rashid's public role was limited. 

He faced damaging speculation about the pastimes he indulged in his personal life, including allegations he underwent treatment for drug addiction and attended sex parties. 

Independent has contacted UAE officials over the allegations but had yet to receive a response at the time of publication. 

Sheikh Rashid public-facing roles were limited to positions such as president of the Dubai Cultural and Sports Club and, briefly, president of the UAE National Olympic Committee, and an association with Dubai Cares, the emirate's child education charity. 

He found greater success as a sportsman, winning accolades for his horsemanship, including the individual gold in the 120km endurance ride at the 15th Asian Games in Qatar in 2006. 

He competed in horse racing competitions around the world and owned Zabeel Racing, the Dubai stables where his horses were trained. 

He also played football at home, and was said to be a fan of Manchester United. 

Born on 12 November 1981, Sheikh Rashid was educated at the Rashid School for Boys in Dubai and attended Sandhurst in the United Kingdom, where he graduated in 2002. 

Following his death a three-day mourning period was declared across the UAE, and dignitaries from around the Gulf have offered condolences to his family.
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