A Comprehensive Guide to the Illuminati, the Conspiracy Theory That Connects Jay-Z and Queen ElizabethSEXPAND
Why did Jay-Z and Beyoncé name their kid "Blue Ivy"? What was the deal with Madonna's Super Bowl halftime show? Why did Whitney Houston die? Some people might say that "famous people are weird and sad" is the answer to all three questions. But no, the answer is: The Illuminati. Who? Allow us to explain.
What is the Illuminati?
The Illuminati is an ancient and shadowy group of elites who control nearly every aspect of life on this planet — from finance and government to religion and culture.
Who is in the Illuminati?
The Illuminati is made up of the world's political and financial elite, and also, rappers. Theoretically, membership rolls are kept secret, but most YouTube intellectuals agree that the following people are members:
  • Barack Obama
  • the Pope
  • Queen Elizabeth II
  • George Soros
  • Ben Bernanke
  • George W. Bush
  • Jay-Z
  • Kanye West
  • Rihanna
  • Bob Dylan
  • Beyoncé
  • Lady Gaga
  • Jim Carrey
  • Willow Smith
What do the Illuminati do?
Oh, you know, conspiracy stuff. Assassinations, currency manipulation, Super Bowl halftime shows. All executed through puppet institutions and groups like the Federal Reserve, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Freemasons, and Def Jam Recordings. And all carefully controlled and hidden to ensure that their meddling in world affairs will remain secret.
This is sounding more plausible by the minute. What's the end goal of the Illuminati?
The end goal of the Illuminati is to establish a one-world authoritarian government known as the New World Order.
...and then?
Here, theories differ. Some of the internet's finest minds, writing on scholarly websites like Yahoo Answers, believe that forced conversion to homosexuality will be a top agenda item in the New World Order. Others claim the first order of business will be to round all non-Illuminati up into FEMA camps, possibly as part of a deal struck with aliens in Roswell. Many, if not most, experts believe that the New World Order will be a front for the rise of the Antichrist.
The Antichrist?
Yes. The Illuminati is made up of Satanists.
Even the Pope?
I can see how it's confusing. The Pope is actually a Satanist, just like Jay-Z and the Queen of England. (He might even be the Antichrist.) In fact, the whole Catholic church is just a continuation of Babylonian paganism, didn't you know? They keep demons trapped inside the Pentagon, which is why it's, you know, pentagonal.
Okay. How can I tell who's in the Illuminati?
I know this sounds counterintuitive, but prominent Illuminati members frequently flag their Illuminati connections. Like how in Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" video, there's that goat head-shaped star formation? Or have you ever seen Jay-Z's video for "On to the Next One"? It has agoat skull in it. Goats, bro.
Goat heads are an Illuminati symbol?
Goat heads represents Baphomet, the goat-headed god beloved by 19th-century occultists. It's not the only weird occult reference in "On to the Next One." The creepy guy with the crow, Jay throwing devil horns, the, uh, actual Masonic symbol — all of Hov's (that's right: Hov) videos are filled with Illuminati and occult symbolism. So are Lady Gaga's: that pink triangle and unicorn that you thought was some campy gay reference? Actually symbols of the immaculate conception of a new order of humanity. So are Kanye's videos, especially "Power."
But how will the Illuminati possibly pull off their plan for secret world domination if they're constantly advertising their own existence?
Hey! Did I tell you about Madonna's Super Bowl halftime show?
Ooh, no, tell me.
It was obviously a Satantic ritual. The color scheme was red and black. She had horns on her helmet. The show happened within 48 hours of the full moon. Her male dancers formed a pyramid, a Masonic symbol. It ended with the phrase "World Peace" — as in, "New WorldOrder Peace." And LMFAO was there.
LMFAO is Illuminati?
Can you think of any other reason for their success?
But why would the Illuminati hold a Satanic ritual during the biggest television even of the year?
To celebrate the upcoming assassination of Whitney Houston.
The Illuminati killed Whitney Houston? But... why?
For two reasons: one, to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth, and two, to make room in the Illuminati for Blue Ivy Carter.

Who else have the Illuminati killed?
Oh, you name it — J.F.K., 2Pac, Bob Marley, Michael Jackson. Heath Ledger's death was a ritualistic sacrifice. Aaliyah was killed by Dame Dash so he could become famous.
The "All-Seeing Eye" within a triangle and on top of an un-finished pyramid... this has been used symbolically in various ways over time, adopting various meanings in each instance.

Ironically however, is the fact that the official symbol of the public Bavarian Illuminati was the owl of Minerva, said to represent wisdom and the ability to see in the "dark," not the All-Seeing Eye or pyramid.
So then the question is how did it become so unanimous today that this was their symbol instead... and that this symbol represented something "bad?"

Presidents' Bloodlines

It gets even weirder than the image above. From presidents of America, to former Kings and Queens in England, to ancient Greek and Roman rulers, and as far back as the pharaohs of ancient Egypt they have for the most part all shared a common bloodline. Doesn't sound like much of a "democracy" anymore, now does it? This key bloodline originated between the famous Egyptian queen, Cleopatra (60-30 B.C.) who had three children with the famous Roman politician and general Mark Antony, which continued on from there
The whole idea of marrying within one's family to keep the money and power in the same hands and having a singular privileged superior ruling class over an un-privileged class is an age old idea that was at the core of "fascism." The word itself is believed to have come from the Italian word "fascis" meaning a "bundle" and the Latin word "fasces," which described the symbol of an ax surrounded by a bundle of wooden sticks, which stood for unity and authority in ancient Rome.

While looking solely at the symbol's meaning that "dominance/power/authority" (represented by the ax) would only be achieved through the backdrop of a connected people/unity/oneness (represented by the bundle of wooden sticks), this could be seen as a "good" useful message to remember... however a quick look at history to notice how this symbol would only be used by dictators and privileged ruling classes, which always took advance of the less-privileged families, provides a new understanding. If you came from an un-privileged family, this symbol would never have meant something positive to you. Through this ideology, someone must be "on the bottom of the ladder" so to say, preventing true equality for all.

Hit List

Abraham Lincoln: assassinated on April 15, 1865
Nesta Robert ¨Bob¨ Marley: In his revealing book, Marley And Me, former Wailers manager Don Taylor notes that an unknown doctor came and gave Bob a still unknown injection in his toe right after the ball game was interrupted. Malignant cancer originating in the same toe, was diagnosed some time after. Died on May 11, 1981
Lisa ‘Left-Eye’ Lopez: car “accident” April 25, 2002
John Fitzgerald Kennedy: assassinated on November 22, 1963
Jaime Roldos Aguilera (President of Ecuador): assassinated on May 24, 1981
Jam master Jay from DMC: assassinated on October 30, 2002
Lee Harvey Oswald: assassinated on November 24, 1963
General Omar Torrijos (Military Leader of Panama): assassinated on July 31, 1981
Russell Jones a.k.a Ol Dirty Bastard: overdose was ruled accidental on November 13, 2004
Malcom X (El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz): assassinated on February 21, 1965
Actress Grace Kelly: Car “accident” & died on September 14, 1982
Chad Lamont Butler aka Pimp C: accidental overdose on December 4, 2007
Ernesto ¨Che¨ Guevara: assassinated on October 9, 1967
Huey P. Newton: assassinated on August 22, 1989
Micheal Jackson: accidental overdose on June 25, 2009
Martin Luther King Jr.: assassinated on April 4, 1968
Tupac Amaru Shakur: got shot on September 7 and died on September 13, 1996
Nathaniel Dwayne Hale aka Nate Dogg: March 15, 2011 “complications” from multiple strokes.
Robert Francis Kennedy: assassinated on June 6, 1968
Christopher Wallace a.k.a Notorious B.I.G: assassinated on March 9, 1997
Jimi Hendrix: September 18, 1970 had choked in his own vomit as they “say”
Diana Princess of Wales: died in a car ¨accident¨ on August 31, 1997

Nesta Robert ¨Bob¨ Marley: In his revealing book, Marley And Me, former Wailers manager Don Taylor notes that an unknown doctor came and gave Bob a still unknown injection in his toe right after the ball game was interrupted. Malignant cancer originating in the same toe, was diagnosed some time after. Died on May 11, 1981

It's time to wake up and count the amount of people that have tried to stand up against the Illuminati, but were cut short. Plane crashes are a common cause of death for the rich and famous now, and far too many other mysterious circumstances, unsolved murders, and assassinations surround the premature deaths of these people. Of course we can't jump to conclusions, so make sure to decide for yourself if something may have seemed a little off or wrong about each person's description of death. It's interesting also if you can find what these people were talking about, that could have possibly got them killed. One thing's for sure, they all had a very positive message to share with the rest of the world. But unfortunately, after trying to speak up about the "Illuminati" or some form of organized "corruption," they all died shortly after... strange coincidence huh? Not to mention the countless others whom weren't as famous.

 Who Really Controls the World?

The "Illuminati" was founded as an Enlightenment order mostly composed of intellectuals, philosophers, etc., with gnosis or gnosticism as their backbone... opposed two main enemies above all: superstition and the abuse of state power.

The fact that we use the term "Illuminati" to point a finger at some "secret society" is kind of ironic. It's pretty obvious that if anyone were responsible for all this, it would have to be the ones that controlled the majority of the money in the world.

"He who controls the money supply of a nation, controls the nation." - James A. Garfield

When looked at like this, it's not really a big secret or mystery who's at the top here. And while I could just list out the last names of the "13 ruling families," it's much more important to understand that it's the idea that continues to live on that must be overcame in people's minds to be able to ever say something like, "We defeated the Illuminati." Not try to "overcome" any individuals, but the idea... almost identical to how the pyramid on the back of the American dollar bill displays 13 layers of brick (representing the foundation/vehicle) to support the floating all-seeing eye (representing the idea). Almost like saying, "the idea is above us all."

Also, it never truly made sense how the "Illuminati" could have done all of this, and by "Illuminati" I refer to what history tells us... that  Adam Weishaupt founded a group of highly intelligent "freethinkers" that sought to improve the world through "enlightenment" in Bavaria, Germany on May 1, 1776. "Illuminati" is the plural of "illuminatus," which means seeker of illumination/light/enlightenment for the mind.

How could a small group that wanted to keep it's membership secret wield so much influence after all? In a way, the history of the "Illuminati" makes it sound much more like the rebellion from "V for Vendetta." Then I happened to stumble on this website,. For some reason after reading this supposed "interview with an illuminatus," it started to make a lot more sense to me.

This website mentions over and over again about overcoming the "Old World Order," which is what got us here in so much debt... and hopes to create a positive "New World Order." They refer to this "New World Order" as "Meritocracy" , ... in which this type of society would reward you based on your "merit," or how much work you provided to the rest of the community (hard work + talent), opposed to today how money and lineage is what determines your class in this world. (they go into much greater detail and length on their website, and after reading through their site it's clear to see that whoever wrote it had to be pretty intelligent about current affairs). It is hard not to be reminded of the "Zeitgeist" (or Venus Project) movement. If you have ever seen their films on YouTube, you know that they are trying to do the exact same thing... dismantle the "Old World Order" class of hierarchy, and replace it with a "New World Order," but in this instance, one without money entirely. Almost like how "Star Trek's" society was portrayed. After studying both of these replacement systems, it's clear to see that the people that came up with them are trying to create a positive change in this world... and then we have the current "ruling class," and the change they are trying to put in place for their own personal benefits, instead of for the benefits of everyone...
Since 1935 the United States one dollar bill has read, "Novus Ordo Seclorum" which is latin for "New World Order." Before that it says, "Annuit Cœptis" which is latin for "He approves (has approved) of the undertakings."

The Truth behind Satan/Lucifer/Baphomet?

"Fear will continue to suppress and enslave the masses until they learn how to rule themselves with the power of love. As long as humanity looks towards others to rule them they will be continually enslaved.
Love is the Answer!"
Inverted Pentagram
Beyoncé, Kanye West, and Rihanna
There is clearly something here that they don't want you to know. Between a Goat's head, an inverted Pentagram, the "666" hand symbol, "Devil/Beast Horns" hand symbol, and even the "All-Seeing Eye"... it's hard to say the Illuminati doesn't know a thing or two about "Satan." This is why people always conclude the Illuminati "worships Satan." Plus combine this with the fact they're willing to kill and "dumb down" countless amounts of people, just so they could stay on top of everyone else. Without a doubt their plans are "satanic." But here's one question, aside from all of the other signs/symbols (which are commonly associated with the devil because of the bible)... why is Egypt's Eye of Horus/Ra / "All Seeing Eye" associated with "Satan" (known as "Eye of Lucifer") as well? That seems odd doesn't it? Ra represented the Sun and Horus represented the son of the holy trinity (Osiris + Isis = Horus). Also, if you actually study the origin you will see that the "All Seeing Eye" originally represented "Knowledge" which is interesting, because "Satan" in his serpent form deceived Eve into eating the apple, which represented a "Forbidden Knowledge." We also seem to fail to ever ask why is "Satan" represented as a goat a lot of the time? What's the real origin of Baphomet? (research "Astrological Ages," more specifically the age of Aries to begin to see why.) Also, note that a goat, whether male or female, appears identical, both with their horns and beards. This helps explain Satan having horns, and the androgynous nature of Baphomet, which is also called the "Goat of Mendes." If you're interested in knowing the real truth behind this and the true meanings behind the rest of the Illuminati's Secret Symbols (including the infamous Knight's Templar, etc.)